Event Sourcing

Let's write some history


Willem-Jan Zijderveld

  • @willemjanz
  • github.com/wjzijderveld




Event Sourcing/CQRS
library for PHP


Event Sourcing

You are throwing away data!

Only state gets stored

Only the most recent state gets stored

What was the previous state?

Why did the state change?

It's hard to keep track of all the data

An example

A company has one or more connected accounts

A company has one or more enabled applications

An account has access to one or more applications

Complicated solutions to store and retrieve the data

But we manage


Boss: Which accounts received access to application X in December?

"We'll add a timestamp
and we will know"

From that point in time

With CRUD you lose information

You only store the last known information

Another example

Revoking access to an application for an account

Just remove the row in our join table

You lose when the access was revoked

You lose why it got revoked

You lose for which application it was revoked

You wouldn't know anything anymore

Let's assume you have
a soft-delete in place

Boss: I want to know for which applications access got revoked more than once
in the last year

Keep track of revocations

account_id app_id datetime
75623 8 2015-01-01T00:00:00+0000
75623 8 2015-01-27T18:54:18+0000

Are you going to do this for all actions on accounts?

How does Event Sourcing help me with that?

Store your data in
a different way

Record what has happened

The resulting state becomes a natural effect


A serie of facts


Been there, done that

Single source of truth

  • One source to rule all state
  • The events cannot lie, it happened, deal with it

You have been working with this system

Your version control is event sourced

Sure thing, but how?

"It depends"

Event Sourcing



All 3 are optional, but work very nice together

Domain Driven Design

Let the events tell the story

The business should be reflected in your code


An model with an identity

Aggregate root

Responsible for keeping a group of entities consistent

I want to create/update my model

How do I do that?

Record what happened

You normally might do it like this

<?php // Company.php
public function __construct($id, $name)
  $this->id = $id;
  $this->name = $name;

But we want to record an event

<?php // Company.php
public static function register($id, $name)
  $company = new Company();
    new CompanyRegisteredEvent($id, $name)
  return $company;

Record the events

<php // AggregateRoot.php
public function apply($event)
  $this->uncommitedEvents[] = $event;
private function handle($event)
  $classParts = explode('\\', $event);
  $method = 'apply' . end($classParts);
// Company.php
public function applyCompanyRegisteredEvent(
  CompanyRegisteredEvent $event
) {
  $this->companyId = $event->getCompanyId();
  $this->companyName = $event->getCompanyName();

Save your events in an eventstore

Current situation

Reloading your model

<php // CompanyRepository.php
function load($aggregateId)
  $events = $this->eventStore->load($aggregateId);

  $aggregate = new $this->aggregateClass();

  return $aggregate;
<?php // Company.php
public function initializeState(array $events)
  foreach ($events as $event)

Domain Message

A message to tell your application what happened


  • Identifier
  • Sequencenumber
  • Payload
  • Timestamp
  • Metadata

Identifier + sequence number


The event itself, it tells you what happened

Should contain everything

It should only depend on previous events

final class CompanyRegisteredEvent
  private $companyId;
  private $companyName;

  // constructor + getters


It tells you when it happened


Descriptive, not structural

Let's look at some other events



// Company
function applyCompanyRegisteredEvent(CompanyRegisteredEvent $event)
  $this->companyId = $event->getCompanyId();


// Company
function applyAccountConnectedEvent(AccountConnectedEvent $event)
  $id = $event->getAccountId();
  $this->accounts[$id] = $id;


// Company
function applyAppEnabledEvent(AppEnabledEvent $event)
  $subscription = new Subscription(
  $this->subscriptions[$event->getAppId()] = $subscription;


// Company
protected function getChildEntities()
  return $this->subscriptions;
// Subscription
function applyAccessGrantedToAppEvent(
  AccessGrantedToAppEvent $event
) {
  if ($this->appId !== $event->getAppId()) {

  $accountId = $event->getAccountId();
  $this->grantedAccounts[$accountId] = $accountId;

We can retrieve all AccessGranted events for December

Won't this be slow?


Command Query Responsibility Segregation

Separate your writes and your reads

Read Models

Create them from events using projections

Specific read models for specific views in your application


All events go onto the event bus after being saved


class CompanyRegistration implements ReadModel
  public function __construct(
    DateTime $registeredOn
  ) {
    // ..

Company Registration Projector

class CompanyRegistrationProjector implements EventListener
  public function applyCompanyRegisteredEvent(
    CompanyRegisteredEvent $event,
    DomainMessage $domainMessage
  ) {
    $company = new CompanyRegistration(

Use the right tool for the right job

Possibilities are endless

The ability to create multiple read models

  • List of company registrations
  • Graph of all connections between companies and accounts
  • Creating reports about the amount of revocations

So.. how does this flow work in an application?

The C in CQRS

The write part of CQRS

Command & CommandHandler

A CommandHandler deals with Commands and communicates with the Aggregate root

From Controller
to CommandBus

class CompanyController
  function registerAction(Request $request)
      new RegisterCompanyCommand(

From CommandHandler
to Aggregate

class CompanyCommandHandler
  function handleRegisterCompanyCommand(
    RegisterCompanyCommand $command
  ) {
    $company = Company::register(


From Aggregate to Event

public static function register($companyId, $name)
  $company = new Company();
    new CompanyRegisteredEvent($companyId, $name)

  return $company;
public function applyCompanyRegisteredEvent(
  CompanyRegisteredEvent $event
) {
  $this->companyId = $event->getCompanyId();

From Repository to EventStore

// CompanyRegistry.php
function save($aggregate)
  $events = $aggregate->getUncommittedEvents();
  $this->eventStore->append($aggregate->getAggregateId(), $events);

From event to read model

class CompanyRegistrationProjector {
  public function applyCompanyRegisteredEvent(
    CompanyRegisteredEvent $event,
    DomainMessage $domainMessage
  ) {
    $company = new CompanyRegistration(

Quite a bit to chew

But we are not done yet!


Scenario based testing

Given - When - Then

Test your Command Handler

    new CompanyRegisteredEvent(123)
  ->when(new EnableAppForCompanyCommand(42, 123))
    new AppEnabledEvent(42, 123)

Or your aggregate

    new CompanyRegisteredEvent(123)
  ->when(function ($company) {
    new AppEnabledEvent(42, 123)

Don't forget your read models

    new CompanyRegisteredEvent(123, 'Acme Inc')
    new CompanyRegistration(123, 'Acme Inc')

Time travel is possible!

Use events you recorded to create a new report
multiple years after the fact

You made a mistake in a projection?

So what? Correct your projector and recreate your read model from your event stream





Freenode: #qandidate

More information

  • http://codebetter.com/gregyoung/2010/02/20/why-use-event-sourcing/
  • http://codebetter.com/gregyoung/2010/02/13/cqrs-and-event-sourcing/
  • http://martinfowler.com/eaaDev/EventSourcing.html
  • http://martinfowler.com/bliki/CQRS.html
  • http://www.axonframework.org/docs/2.3/domain-modeling.html
  • http://labs.qandidate.com/